Preorders and Why They Help

Dead Sled Coffee Preorders
Hey Deadlies! Rise and Grind!
I just wanted to bring everyone up to speed on the Preorders and why we chose to do it in the first place. Building Dead Sled has been a process and not an event. While everyone on our team are avid coffee drinkers, none of us have ever run a coffee company.
We actually see this as an asset and not a detriment. An asset because we had a vision for a coffee company that no ‘real’ company in their right minds would dream of starting; Coffee, Rock n’ Roll, and a dark sense of humor. Then we got more specific. The freshest coffee shipped right to you, combined with the best taste in music!
Starting a business takes time, and time equals money as they say. So, while building Dead Sled, we have logged countless hours, paid  lawyers, paid artists, paid upfront for packaging…you get the idea. Then, even after you pay for these things there is a time delay for these items actually getting in your hands.
But finally, everything is lined up. Next week, Wednesday August 8th, we are roasting. From this point on, we will roast every single WednesdayAll domestic orders should be in your hands, and in your coffee pots by the following week. How fresh is that?!?!
What does this mean? We roast on Wednesday and it’s shipped out on the end of that same day, or first thing the next day. No more stale coffee for you!
As a thank you, all preorderers are getting free buttons and stickers! It’s not a Oprah surprise gift, but we’ll get there!